The key to massage therapy is client focused care.

Your massage therapy treatment is built on the fundamentals of communication, diversity, respect, and trust. My practice holds a safe space for you. I am a safe person.

My practice is friendly, welcoming towards all ethnicities, backgrounds and orientations. If you are 2SLGBTQIA+, any cultural community, and any race, you are welcome.

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Mission Statement

Ashley Calder RMT’s mission is to provide client focused treatments with an individualized assessment and treatment plan tailored to maintain your health & wellness goals. By continuously listening to my clients I aim to ensure the best possible outcome of each massage treatment. I will approach you without judgement, with respect, empathy and compassion for your health care concerns. I will do this in a friendly, professional manner within a safe, clean and inviting clinical space. Everyone in our diverse community is welcome and everyone is deserving of self care through the services I provide.